<body> <b:section id="navbar" class="navbar" maxwidgets="1" showaddelement="no"> <b:widget type="Navbar" id="Navbar1" locked="yes"/> </b:section> The Writer Deepest Desires Deep Thoughts Talk to me The Others

Even in my heart, I see
You're not being true to me
Deep within my soul, I feel
Nothing's like it used to be

Sometimes I wish I could, turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could, so bad, baby...
Quit playing games with my heart

Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (With my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've known from the start
Before you got in my heart (From my heart)
Quit tearing us apart (From my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart.


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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

c0me 0n uRe red.!!hahaha...

maNchester unIted is tHe bezz...
hrap2 6ti leh kalahkn Chelsea.....
n my last h0pe is....
2 meet the MANU's players....


c0me 0n uRe red.!!hahaha....

mErenTas dEse...fUlaMak.!!

alAmak..!!!!!!!!! arI kaMis(es0k)ad merentas desa... mlas r nk lari.. nWay gane2 pom kne lari jgak.... n kpade aw0p2 ibs... selmat berjaye es0k yer.... ingat kate teAcher Haryati... aLwaYszz bE tHe FiRst.... xkire r Lam akadeMik kE k0ku kE... alwayszz be the First k....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

da pNda Sket2 BwaT bl0g hek3..

ermmm ari niee cikgu zul ajr cmner nk bwat bl0g...
rupenyer wt bl0g niee bez g0p..
cm 2lis diary r....
lebih kureng cmtu...
n kpade aw0p2 ibs..
teruskn usahe anda lm exam 6ti...
6ti bleh kalahkn aw0p2 intan..hek3....
stady biar lmbat,result mesti gempak..!!

mY j0uRney sTarts dIs yeAr..

aipp sumer.!!
niee da thun 2010...
s0,knelah ad azam bru,cite2 bru,h0bi bruw n kwn2 bru..
jgn tinggal plak kwn2 lamer 2...
kesian kt di0wg...
thn nie azam sye nk stdy sungguh2...
bia dpat 9a lm exam...
so,koRang 2l0ng d0akan utk sye erkk.....
syer pown akn d0akan kdp 0rg yg mend0akan syer...
that 0ll 4 n0w..